My 18 months old baby girl has UTI. The doctor recommended VCUG test to check for reflux. Is it necessary? - baby uti colloidal silver
This is the first time that my child has a urinary tract infection. Do I need MCU test done in this regard? Could a urinary tract infection at random? Since the evidence for children is embarrassing, I should do if my child needs to repeat only the user interface?
Is it necessary? There are different opinions among the doctors whether a child should have a MCU after their first UTI. Some doctors, including urologists recommend to my son, a urinary tract infection after a second, but some doctors not one after the first. When I was a child, do so after the first, because they assume that reflux is the problem, because urinary tract infections in children are rare. In girls, UTIs are more common, you do not automatically assume that reflux is the problem. At first UTI a girl could be infected only by accident, but multiple infections may indicate a more significant problem.
Do you already have a kidney ultrasound? What were the results? What to tell your doctor if he had a kidney infection? Do you already have a urologist?
MySon of eight months and was associated with grade II reflux after a kidney infection was diagnosed, three months ago. We had made a MCU, because, as I said earlier, urinary tract infections in children are so rarely accidental. However, if it were me (and my opinion - I'm no doctor, but I) do extensive research on this topic, you will probably wait until a few seconds they had urinary tract infection before they advance to the condition that CUMS Renal ultrasound was normal. That is my approach would be. And act accordingly, as many doctors, including myself, that I had with that comfortable. But only you and your doctor are experts in the needs that your child ...... me.
The possibility that her daughter had severe reflux (grade IV or V) weakly, as implemented by the first year passed without infection. AndRisk of new infections, kidney damage, are lower now that there is more than a year. There are a number of new findings from reflux now, their views concerning various methods of treatment. In reality, they decided not to preventive antibiotics with our son to do. At least not yet. There is little or no research, the effectiveness of antibiotics as a preventive measure to ward off urinary tract infections in children with reflux, the grades I to II and then in several European countries, the doctors do not really recommend antibiotics unless the reflux is severe. I corresponded with several national experts in this state, as Dr. Hoberman at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, who is undertaking a comprehensive study is expected that the argument, or at the endf, if effective preventative antibiotics to stop infections in children with reflux. I also saw a video conference that he and other urologists who are given to this issue.
I'd like to research the matter further point that I have when you need it. If you decide with the MCU, I hope your daughter has reflux and that this is his last experience with this topic! Otherwise, I ask you to do much research on this topic.
Good luck!
ADDED: Sorry, just wanted to add that no reflux causes kidney damage. Kidney infections lead to kidney damage) (lesions. Reflux alone does not increase the risk of kidney damage. Recurrent infections increase the risk of damage. Hopethat makes sense.
My daughter went to the same event in a few months and other tests that had to be very quiet. After all the evidence and because it began with UTI 3 months old and continued that, when she found she underwent reflux grade 4 on the left side and received a kidney transplant joint third from the left. The kidney was an additional birth defects and do not work. Have not changed in the ICU, but was bent and the ureter, that the bacteria be saved and remain, because of recurrent urinary tract infections caused. It was very stressful and painful, she goes through a lot in the first 2 years. She went to the UVA Hospital and underwent surgery to the ureter, where it re-implant is correct at the bottom of the BLAdder. It has helped me a lot. Brand new and has had no problems.
Thank you for your little ones is sorry. Be sure to ask lots of questions and the results of the doctor. I wish the best for them.
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