Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Man Needs Writing System To........ I Want To Know How Christians Can Really Believe That If You Don't Follow Their System You Are Going To Hell.

I want to know how Christians can really believe that if you don't follow their system you are going to hell. - the man needs writing system to........

And please do not tell me because he says in the Bible. If you are a Christian and a response to this, just look at yourself, really. I do not know what the book says one. Frankly, I know how I feel so "Christian" if you believe that there is a place called hell, and you believe that people have to walk. Small babies are there because they were baptized. That people who are supposed to have no knowledge of their God to go. That people who are believing in a god or gods to be evil. I've even read a comment that says that all the faithful, not demons, 'Really! Please see an honest view of ethics and morality and the use of his heart and brain to react, not a book written (and rewritten when the need to feel s' actually) of men.

Do you think your God wants you to think for themselves?


THA said...

First Step Bible teaches that there is a hell of fire for the unbelievers, nor anyone else.


*** T-74 pp. Hellfire-1.3 is part of divine justice? ***

Hellfire is part of divine justice?

Have you ever seen someone being tortured? Let's hope not. Deliberate torture is repugnant and repulsive. This is, however, defeated by torture, by God? Can you imagine such a thing? However, this is exactly what the doctrine of hell, part of an official doctrine in many religions.

Imagine the horrific scene as follows: A person, fried in a hot iron plate. In his agony, crying for mercy, but nobody listens. The torture goes on and on, hour after hour, day after day, without a break!

Regardless of the crime, the victim has committed, your heart is not with him? What about who ordered the torture? Would a loving person? No way! Love is compassion and compassion shown. A loving father can punish their children, but do not worry!

However, many religions teach that GodTorture sinners in hell fire. This, they say, is divine justice. If this is true, has this terrible place of eternal torment? Who is the terrible tortures inflicted on where he was responsible? The answer seems obvious. When is this place, then God must be the creator of him and he would be for what is happening there, in charge.

Can you accept that? The Bible says that God is love. "(1 Jn 4:8) a God of love to the people being tortured, even with all these disgusting actions of decency?" Probably not !......
.... A doctrine of adverse

Some argue that education Hellfire is useful, true or not. Why? They say it has a deterrent effect. Is that true? Well, the crime in areas where people believe in Hellfire lower elsewhere? Absolutely! In fact, the doctrine of hell is very harmful. Will a person who believes that God tortures people as torture as an abomination? Why? Those who believe in a cruel God, are often cruel as their god.

In Whateto see how a reasonable person would consider the matter can not accept the existence of hell torments. Logic rebel against him. Human nature is repelled by him. Even more important is that to say the word is not God that this place exists. When a person dies, returns to her hometown on that day his thoughts perish. "Psalm 146:4.

--- Could believe in the extent to which human cruelty to illustrate - they say that for over 400 years ago by the Spanish Inquisition, the Church, part of the activities of the inquisitors was sponsored by the burning living people with a strong Teaching of obscene Hellfire affected.
--- Second place - Christ himself was in the so-called "hell" NOTE:

Acts 2:27-31 (King James Version)

27Because you do not leave my soul in hell, nor thy Holy One to rot.

The same script. Translation:

New International Version
Acts2: 27 is not, let me into the grave.
Let your Holy red.

Sor where the hell is the fire of hell adult "Christians" threatening the people with the world what Christ did it for 3 days. (Christ was so serious only in the rule, all the people who have died have experience - had just died, was from his father, Jehovah God resurrected)
- The word translated hell (wrong from the Hebrew. - It ol and Grk.-ha "of the UN) means common grave of mankind. The fire of hell, where is God's punishment for each, good question!

Oracle Blackrose ( Pagan ) said...

Perhaps these people in particular do not want to go out in hell.

Israel The Chosen said...

Well, if you), a faithful servant of God (Christian, he must believe in his word, and nothing else. They do not understand the Bible and talk with simple words. The only way that many people believe if they come to see the Son of God in the clouds, and it will be too late. I believe in my heart, in the Bible as the Bible speaks of the heart, ie, the mind.
Orgain is the heart and body, but pumps the blood. Your mind is what you think, and rightly so. Read
the book and pray for your understanding. I do not think he wants to go to the lake of fire.

I read here some answers, you can not belief in God without having to read and listen to his speech. What we need to understand and apply. This is no joke. Sometime in the future you would have listend.

Israel The Chosen said...

Well, if you), a faithful servant of God (Christian, he must believe in his word, and nothing else. They do not understand the Bible and talk with simple words. The only way that many people believe if they come to see the Son of God in the clouds, and it will be too late. I believe in my heart, in the Bible as the Bible speaks of the heart, ie, the mind.
Orgain is the heart and body, but pumps the blood. Your mind is what you think, and rightly so. Read
the book and pray for your understanding. I do not think he wants to go to the lake of fire.

I read here some answers, you can not belief in God without having to read and listen to his speech. What we need to understand and apply. This is no joke. Sometime in the future you would have listend.

Chef Bob said...

You make a mistake.
Not "their" system, but
God's system.
Your paragraph is a lack of knowledge of true Christianity.
God is just and equitable.
God says it is a hell.
People who have not heard the word of God, not to go.
Children do not go there.
Baptism has nothing to do, hello.
You have to do a little work and know the true Christianity.
You will find God.

ac28 said...

1) It is a system we invented.

2) Not The babies go to hell.

3) Persons who are not baptized do not necessarily go to hell.

Who 4), who said that all unbelievers are demons.

Hope this helps. And in case you were wondering, yes, I took it seriously and looked at me before he answered. Whenever I do that, I conclude that God is here w / me, and that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Light. Nothing can keep me, his love.

May God bless you.

Blueridge Wolf said...

You must first read a look at the Bible and has become Galations1 :9-12 prior to the interruption of the Word of God, man, honey.
Trust me, going to hurt you or make you feel bad about something, but to help you understand when you read this, at least in part.
Moreover, as I have another question that is not important when you consider that there is a heaven or hell, but what if you believe in Jesus Christ, for that He has done for you and believe and is to walk in his teachings is what really counts.
I dealt with in another question that this man or woman, "what he or she" trust and believe that God is the judge who is right and who is wrong.
I dare not try him for the question you have here, but it's just my humble opinion, you understand a lot about Christianity, and for me, not condemn them, not because it's not mine or someone you condemn this place on Earth that power should be condemned you.

Daniella D said...

"I've even read a comment that says that all the faithful, not demons"

DUDE! That's crazy. Buddhists do not quite ", which believe in Jesus" and are quieter than people know.

I am a Jew, and I think their actions are what you get to heaven, if it does not believe "in a particular case."

jwpaulk said...

Yes. On the principles of our faith. Obviously you do not share these principles, why should you on what we believe? Is that what concerns you about something really, because there are so many of us in the world.
As for innocent children who are baptized, our confidence in the ability of individuals to decide for themselves whether salvation is on what people want in their lives. As children, including infants can not have that decision for himself in the eyes of God, innocent and very welcome in his kingdom. People need to understand that Christianity is not the choice of a force. However, the NRC is also a kind and loving way of life. I have never seen my husband is "the Bible than anyone else who think differently than me are evil. It can be regarded as bad faith under certain circumstances, but not men. Christians believe that all people are creatures of God and not judge or hate. Thus, about God. Everyone knows where it Lucifer. My God made me think of me, toocreated a series of guidelines to follow me. I am very happy that I had a choice and not forced on me. It seems that only people who are trying to do.

Laura said...

Since they need a safety net that we are right to be punished, and "sinners" because they believe in the magic man in the clouds.

melfred_... said...

It all depends on what religion you are. Not all religions believe that when you called her way to hell. Some believe that their children go to heaven because they're young to decide to for themsleves. But that's why there are so many kinds of religions, because people believe what they want, and that the Bible says what they mean.

melfred_... said...

It all depends on what religion you are. Not all religions believe that when you called her way to hell. Some believe that their children go to heaven because they're young to decide to for themsleves. But that's why there are so many kinds of religions, because people believe what they want, and that the Bible says what they mean.

girlgirl said...

Let me begin by saying that although the Bible was written by many different people, which was inspired by God. I was born a born-again Christian, and I can understand your problems. How can people today, many say they are Christians, but a lifestyle contrary. No wonder that people such a bad image associated with the word. However, I'll give you the answer is no. It is written ... Did you know that there are books of the Bible has never been refuted, and historians agree that Jesus existed? You could say it was merely a man and had good morals. But common decency people continue to fall into sin. Jesus did not. She asked me to look at me. If I do, what I saw and what I am today. Jesus came to earth as the Son of God, because man had sinned and turned away from God. God is love, knide, compassionate, well, I could write all day about the many functions. But the fact is he is so good that it can not be with sin. Men are sinners by nature and therefore need a way to God to help. It was a sort of clique, but the power of wordsnot be denied. "For God loved the world so that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life, love." It is the plan of redemption to redeem himself, "He does not want that none is lost." Jesus died on the cross and rose in three days. He has power over death, because he made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. It was perfect and still is. On babies, children and infants until they reach the age of reconciliation, they understand sin, they go to heaven. Children have no knowledge of good and evil. God does not judge them for they know not what they do. They are innocent and innocent. As for the assertion that the unbelievers are demons that is totally wrong! God loves everyone, believers and unbelievers. It is a work of the faithful to spread the truth and ensure that everyone knows what Jesus did for us. This is great as the Commission. I think there are forces and powers in this world and I think there are two sides, good and evil. On the other hand we have the host of heaven, and the angels, God and Jesus. On the other hand, we have Satan, the fallen angel of light, and the other angels who support him. Sorry, if violated, that everyone, but to be honest, if you follow other religions or dive into the magic and sorcery, which is deceived. The Bible has been rewritten if the need arose. In fact, Jewish scholars would be receiving the Bible, count the number of letters on each page that was copied by hand, ensuring several times in order that she had ignored a letter from the word of God. I pray that the truth of love and the sacrifice of Jesus comes to you. Please, I beg you to a pastor or spiritual leader of the church and ask them to go this question. You can explain better than me. By the way, God gave us all free will and allows us to think for ourselves!

Pastor Biker said...

My heart tells me that everyone has a spirit in them that she speaks the truth ... However, that man chooses to not understand the meaning that is in your heart to ... Good to know that everything Jesus did not choose, children who have no opportunity to learn to die and is not condemned, has not been decided not to learn the ways of God, but do not afford to ... and if the man goes to hell it really was a wish to preserve their own, which select as hell is not for man but for Satan and his demons .. just ...

Anonymous said...

Your God wants you to think for themselves, but because most are lazy thinkers decided to hide behind the "faith".

kj7gs said...

If the Bible is indeed by men, have not inspired by God written, then you are right, that's all nonsense. Worse than junk, would be an invention of spread through the ages and a complete waste of time for everyone connected with the smallest dimension of Christianity.

If it really was.

I can not believe that hell exists, the description is too horrible to imagine for me. I do not think believing in a God who is not necessarily fair to its own people, Israel, and chose his chosen before the creation of the world, leaving the rest in their sins, even the babies, the original sin of being completely unworthy of heaven are. The whole thing is unpleasant, unfair and said that I am not worthy, I can not myself make a decision for Christ. It is to be done for me, I am guilty.

However, if the Bible is inspired and true, and I think it is inconvenient despite Ness, you can also find out in advance,predestined to choose, so unfair, and even the love of God, to have someone guilty, as I am, to receive his son as a gentleman.

And that makes a system that is not so bad. For me, anyway.

MS.. said...

Christianity like all religions are man-made to feel better.the of death unknown (causing severe anxiety) is the story of heaven and hell, so she can have the illusion of control, your goal (following a certain type of behavior ). This type of behavior (ie se''abre the gates of Heaven'') is the means, because they are the leaders of Christianity contributed to the gullible people.and verify what happened, go mejor argumento''que''to, want to say a good place to dying.I that I believe that Jesus gave up and things have been said, I think there were also additions wonderful.But he says and what he had done for them, to people feeling more control and easy easier.I do not think that is written to the AS (or pompous people the Bible) in a position to know who God is and what our WANTS.OR religion is extremely arrogant BEST.THIS OUR PART.Just love and peace in have your heart and does not require religion.Religions are the result of our weakness as Freud (and) many psychologists and psychiatrists, said.

MS.. said...

Christianity like all religions are man-made to feel better.the of death unknown (causing severe anxiety) is the story of heaven and hell, so she can have the illusion of control, your goal (following a certain type of behavior ). This type of behavior (ie se''abre the gates of Heaven'') is the means, because they are the leaders of Christianity contributed to the gullible people.and verify what happened, go mejor argumento''que''to, want to say a good place to dying.I that I believe that Jesus gave up and things have been said, I think there were also additions wonderful.But he says and what he had done for them, to people feeling more control and easy easier.I do not think that is written to the AS (or pompous people the Bible) in a position to know who God is and what our WANTS.OR religion is extremely arrogant BEST.THIS OUR PART.Just love and peace in have your heart and does not require religion.Religions are the result of our weakness as Freud (and) many psychologists and psychiatrists, said.

eric c said...

Before this question too much, I thought, and concluded that it occurred to me.

The criteria for the sky is the soul. It should be easy. It can not be loaded. Anger, theft, violence, jealousy, are things that the burden of the soul. What Jesus taught was the form of an enlightened soul. So when I said you must believe me, you have to believe in his word. His message of peace and love is the criterion for the sky. This air the soul.

When you become a Christian and goes to church and read the Bible to remember his words, his message. Thus, a non-Christian, in my opinion, after, not necessarily without the sky, but harder. But if you are a Christian and not about peace and love in your heart, then it can go to heaven.

Many Christians will disagree with me. But I think that when Christ says we must believe in me, it meant to believe that his message is the only way to live your life, and not necessarily that he was the Son of God. Christ taught us,be humble. This means that you believe he is the Son of God, including the ego, which he did not.

Emily said...

The key, while Christianity is that God wants people to believe in him. He does not drive people to hell, but if people think it's their choice to refuse it. And I do not believe that young children go to hell. They are not innocent in the eyes of God, sin. I do not think that people who believe in other gods, evil. This would ignore them. I respect them, but I think they are wrong. Sorry for some people who call themselves Christians and do not act as such. It's not fair to call the demons of others because they are not. And the Bible is the Word of God, if you believe or not to choose. God gave us free will, then we naturally want to think for ourselves, but uses the Bible as a guide. That is what is based outside of our faith.

Emily said...

The key, while Christianity is that God wants people to believe in him. He does not drive people to hell, but if people think it's their choice to refuse it. And I do not believe that young children go to hell. They are not innocent in the eyes of God, sin. I do not think that people who believe in other gods, evil. This would ignore them. I respect them, but I think they are wrong. Sorry for some people who call themselves Christians and do not act as such. It's not fair to call the demons of others because they are not. And the Bible is the Word of God, if you believe or not to choose. God gave us free will, then we naturally want to think for ourselves, but uses the Bible as a guide. That is what is based outside of our faith.

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